odas buoy alphacadet

ODAS Buoy and its relevance to Navigation


What is ODAS?

An ocean data acquisition system (ODAS) is a set of instruments deployed at sea to collect as much meteorological and oceanographic data as possible. With their sensors, these systems deliver data both on the state of the ocean itself and the surrounding lower atmosphere. The use of microelectronics and technologies with efficient energy consumption allows to increase the types and numbers of sensor deployed on a single device..

According to Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and World Meteorological Organization (WMO), “ODAS means a structure, platform, installation, buoy, or other  device, not being a ship, together with its appurtenant equipment,  deployed at sea essentially for the purpose of collecting, storing or  transmitting samples or data relating to the marine environment or the  atmosphere or the uses thereof.”

Use of ODAS  

Each hour, the data gathered by the system is transferred to the WMO’s Global Telecommunications System by a geostationary satellite after having gone through a number of quality checks.Real-time data with information on the maritime environment can then be used for forecasts of physical states like weather, ocean currents or wave conditions which, in turn, may serve to warn seafarers of unfavorable conditions in the area.

Data gathered by ODAS  

odas buoy

Data gathered by an ODAS may include the following parameters: 

  •  Air temperature
  •  Atmospheric pressure at sea level
  •  Wind direction
  •  Wind speed including gusts
  •  Sea state
  •  Wave height
  •  Sea surface temperature

ODAS types

ODAS can be mounted on the following structures:

  •  Lighthouses
  •  Light vessels
  •  Towers
  •  Offshore platforms
  •  Buoys 

ODAS and its relevance to navigation

Most of the times surveyors try and confuse the candidates by with this topic.

The important thing to note here is,

ODAS buoys are not navigational aids but have been included into the IALA Maritime Buoyage System.  

Follow me on instagram @alpha.cadet, if you’re into maritime knowledge and memes.

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